
In the Name of God

 Statutes of the Iranian Society of Ophthalmology  


  The first chapter – Generalities


Article 1- In compliance with the approved items at the 262th  session dated 20 Oct., 1991 of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution and relevant regulation, and the approval of the Commission; subject to the  4th  article of the above mentioned  approval, which hereinafter is called Commission, the Iranian Society of Ophthalmology is established in accordance with the following articles which in the following lines it is in  abbreviation called  Society.

  Article 2 – The Society is active merely in the relevant scientific, research, specialty and technical subjects and its members are not entitled to have any political activity or being affiliated to political parties under the name of the Society.

 Article 3- The Society is a non-lucrative entity and from the approval of Commission and its registration with the Companies Registration Department it has a legal personality and its head of the board is the legal representative of the Society.

 Article 4 – The Center of the Society in the city is located at the following address: No. 3, Ferdowsy Alley, north side of Keshavarz Blvd., North Kargar st., and its branches can be established in any region of the country, meanwhile, the procedure of establishing branches is according to the approval and in accordance with the view of the central Society and under its supervision.

 Article 5 – The Society has Iranian nationality

 Article 6 – The Society is established from the approval date of these constituent articles for and unlimited period of time has the obligation to obey the laws and regulations of the Islamic republic of Iran.


The 2nd chapter- Duties and Aims

Article 7- In order to attain the targets mentioned in the article 2 of the statutes of the Society, society will proceed to the following activities.

7-1 – Making the scientific, research, educational communication and exchanging of views among the researchers, specialists and other experts that in a way have activities in different fields relevant to the Society.

7-2 – The cooperation with the ministry of health, treatment and medicinal education, and universities and educational and research institutes and also with other organizations that in a way have relation with activities of the society for the planning of educational, research, health and treatment programs.

7-3 – Mutual actions and cooperation with the qualified entities in the field of revising and evaluating of the educational, health and treatment of the educational institutes and the scientific level of the graduates of the medical branches at different levels.

7-4 – Providing educational, scientific, technical and research services in accordance with relevant regulations.

7-5 – Persuading and  appreciating the scientists, researchers and students in carrying out scientific, research, educational, health and treatment activities.

7-6 – The preparation, compilation and printing of scientific and educational editions.

7-7 – The arrangement of educational and research gatherings, continuous training at national and international levels in compliance with the current laws and regulations of the country. 

7-8 – Creating suitable grounds for fulfilling scientific researches relevant to the branch, particularly through appreciating and persuading of the young specialists.

7-9 – Participation in establishing scientific association council of the Iran medical group, and the scheming of all the relevant affairs.

7-10 - Obtaining the support of international foundations for carrying out scientific and research activities at national level and in the frame-work of the current regulations.


The 3rd chapter – Membership

Article 8 – The membership of Society is in accordance with the following procedures :

8-1 – The permanent membership: The constituent board of the society and all the individuals that at least have the degree of doctorate in ophthalmology or one of its relevant branches can be members of this society in accordance with the regulations mentioned in the articles of society. 

8-2- Affiliated membership: The individuals having the following positions can be members of the society:

All the persons who have PHD and doctorate in one of the medical branches.

8-3 – Honorary membership: The Iranian or foreigner personalities having a cultural or social rank of particular importance or having achieved effective precious assistances for the proceeding of the society’s goals can be admitted as honorary members.


Note 1- The affiliated members can thru obtaining the exigent conditions and the approval of the board of directors be admitted as permanent members.

Note 2 – The permanent members of the society should have requirements of the constituent board and board of directors, as mentioned in the article 7 of the regulation for the establishment and the job description of the Commission.


Article 9 – Anyone of the society members shall pay annually a sum as the membership fee, the amount of which will be designated by the board of directors and approved by the general assembly.


Note 1 – The payment of the membership fee shall not entitle the member to any reclamation and right towards the properties of the society.

Note 2 – The justifying doc. of the permanent members of each society will be the number of the registered persons of the same year therefore, only those persons having paid the approved membership fee of the same year and having received the card for participating in the general assembly are authorized for electing the board of directors.


Article 10 – The membership of the society will be terminated in one of the following cases:

10-1 – The written request by the member for resigning.

10-2 – The non-payment of the yearly membership fee in the dead-line designated by the board of directors.

10-3 – Failure in one of the membership requirements, and also being definitively sentenced in one of the preliminary or supreme enforcement boards of the Medical Order Organization to give up the medical job temporarily or permanently. 


Note 1 – The duration of membership suspension corresponds to the period of deprivation of medical professions.

Note 2 – The final decision will be taken by the board of directors, for the non-admission and also for the termination of membership, after informing and the confirmation by the supervision board to the fulfillment of the society , in compliance with subject matter of the paragraph 7 of the article 3 of the regulation for the establishment and the job description of the Commission,   


The 4th chapter – The organs of the society

Article 11 – The society has the following organs:

11-1 General assembly

11-2 Board of directors

11-3 Inspector 


A- General assembly

Article 12 – The general assembly shall be held by the gathering of permanent members in two following forms:

12-1 The normal general assembly is held once per year and considers the current affairs of the association and in accordance with exigency may be held sooner than the normal date.

12-2 – The extraordinary general assembly will be held in exigent cases for making revisions in the statutes or making decision for terminating the society, and the minutes of its decisions concerning the revising and making alterations in the statutes will be executable after the approval by the Commission. The general assemblies will be held by the invitation of the board of directors or the inspector or one-fifth of the permanent members.

12-3 The first normal general assembly will be held upon the request of the Constituent board, after the preliminary agreement of the society of Commission and the latest within six months thru printing announcement in one of the widely circulated newspapers.

Note 1 – The normal and extraordinary general assembly meetings will be considered official with the presence of at least half of the permanent members plus one member, and the extraordinary general assembly meetings’ decisions will be valid with the two-third of the votes. 

Note 2 – In the case that the required number of members for the normal and extraordinary general assemblies is not attending the meeting, one month after the date of the previous meeting, another invitation will be extended with mentioning the result of the previous meeting and then in this case the general assembly will be authentic with any number of the members.

Article 13- The duties of the normal general assembly are as follows:

13-1- Listening to the report of board of directors and inspector, and consideration and making decision concerning the annual activity of the society.

13-2 - Making decision concerning the balance and budget of the society and the amount of the membership fee.

13-3 – The election or dismissal of board members.

13-4- The election of one person as the principal inspector, and one person as the substitute.

13-5- The approval of all the regulations and executive regulations, necessary for the proceeding of the affairs pertaining to the society  by the proposition of board. 

13-6- The designation of a widely circulated newspaper for printing the announcements of society.


Note- In all the general assembly meetings, the representative, mentioned in the Note 1, article 10 of the regulation for holding and the job description of the Commission, will be invited to attend in the meeting. In the case of Commission representative absence, the meeting will not be official. 


B- Board of Directors

Article 14 – The members of the board of directors are composed of (5 or 7 or 9)…persons and two persons are elected as substitute members. The mentioned members will be elected in the normal general assembly, once each 3 years, by the concealed votes from among the permanent members, and the membership in the board of directors is honorary.


Note 1- The increase of board of directors’ members will be by the proposition of board of directors and the approval of general assembly and the confirmation by Commission.


Note 2- The board Meetings will be at least once per month and will be official with the attending of two-third of the members, and the decisions will be made by the majority of present members.


The board in its first meeting elects one head of the board, one deputy and one secretary and one treasurer, following to written votes by the majority of members of the board. Meanwhile, the internal regulation of each society will be indicated and approved.


Note 1- The head of society and the secretary of society can not be elected more than two consecutive periods for one of these two responsibilities.    

Note 2- The head of board will be responsible for current affairs of the society and executive of all the approvals of the board and the legal representative and person of the society with different departments.    

Note 3 – All the commitment papers will be signed by the head of board and the treasurer and have the stamp of the society, and the official letters will be signed by the head of board, and in his absence by the deputy. 

Note 4 – In the case any member of the board does not participate in the board meetings 3 consecutive times or 5 alternative times without any accepted reason (by the recognition of the board members), he will be considered resigned.

Note 5 – In the case of resigning or dismissal or decease of any one of the members of board, the substitute member will be designated as a substitute of the subject person for the remaining period of membership. 


Article 16 – The board is obligated to call the general assembly, at least four months before the end of its responsibility, for the election of the new board of directors, with the presence of Commission, and before late to send the results including the minutes of general assembly to Commission for consideration.

Note - The previous board of directors will have the responsibility to fulfill the affairs of the society  up to the confirmation of the new board of directors mandate.


Article 17 – The duties and authorities of the board of directors:

17-1 – To call for general assembly normal and extraordinary meetings.

17-2 – The execution of the decisions made at the general assemblies.

17-3 – Holding of lecture sessions and scientific, technical and research gatherings, in accordance with the current laws and regulations of the country. 

17-4 – The provision of regulations, laws and executive circulars.

17-5 – The compilation of annual report of the society’s activities for submitting to the general assembly.

17-6 – The preparation of the balance sheet and submitting it to the general assembly.

17-7 – Collecting the gifts and financial assistances for the society.

17-8 – Proposing the revisions and alterations in the statutes to the general assemblies. 

17-9 – Administering the affairs of the society in the framework of the statutes.

17-10 – Forming of different executive and specialty committees and indicating their type of activity and supervision upon them.

17-11 – Electing and introducing of the society’s representatives to the domestic and foreign scientific milieus, in accordance with laws and regulations of the country.

 17- 12 – Bringing actions for all the reclamations against moral and legal persons, and defending against all the claims from the society in all the courts with the right to designate an attorney and authorizing him to confide it to a third one.

17-13 – Making decision for the membership of the society in the domestic and foreign milieus in accordance with the laws and regulation in practice of the country.

17-14 – Proposing to the extraordinary general assembly for the termination of the society.   

C- The Inspector

Article 18 – The society will have one principal inspector and (1 or 2) … substitute ones who will be elected following to the concealed votes at the normal general assembly meeting, once each 3 years from among the permanent members.

Article 19 – The obligations of the inspector is as follows:

19-1 – Consideration of all the documents and financial papers of the society and the procurement of report for submitting to the general assembly.

19-2 – Consideration of the annual report of board of directors, either financial or otherwise and the procurement of report from the society’s performance and submitting it to the general assembly.

19-3 – Reporting any infringement by the board of directors upon the dispositions of the statutes to the general assembly.

19-4 – Calling for the extraordinary general assembly in exigent cases.

Article 20 – The participation of the inspector in the board meetings, without having voting right is authorized and he may at any time request for the documents and financial records of the society from the board in order to consider them.

Article 21 – At the end of each financial year, the head of board will put at the disposition of the inspector for confirmation, the report of annual activity of the society and its balance sheet, at least 45 days before the first annual general assembly.

The 5th Chapter- The Financial Sources of the  Society

 Article 22 – The financial sources of the society are as follows:

22-1 – Membership fee

22-2 – From the gifts and supports

22-3 – The income acquired from educational, research, technical and editions activities.

22-4 – The supports of the ministry of health, treatment and medical training


The 6th Chapter –Termination cases of the Society

Article 23 – Upon the request by the board of directors or the inspector and/or 1/3 of the permanent members and the approval by the extraordinary general assembly for any eventual reason, the society terminates.

Article 24 – Whenever the extraordinary general assembly decides the termination of the society, at the same assembly will elect a Clearance board and indicates the period of its mission.

Article 25 – The clearance board submits the report of its fulfillments to the annual general assembly meetings. The result of the clearing up operations shall be approved by the general assembly and announced in the official newspaper and in one of the widely circulated ones, and the proceedings shall be reported to the Commission. 

Note – The remaining of the society’s properties, after deducting the debts and expenditures and the approval of the clearing board and also informing to Commission, will be donated to one of the educational-research institutes of the country.

Article 26 – These statutes comprise six chapters and 18 notes and approved at the date of ………….by the general assembly